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  • 119 North Lake St
  • P.O.Box 737
  • Grass Lake, MI 49240

Preliminary Reviews

Applicants are encouraged to contact staff to schedule a meeting for a preliminary review of your site plan for a proposed development project, before you submit your application. There is NO CHARGE for these reviews. The goal is for staff to better understand your plans for your property, and for staff to help you find the correct applications and to inform you of the typical review procedures and timeframes.

This process will be more successful if you bring preliminary drawings that show the building, parking and driveways, landscaping and other improvements that you are proposing, on the proposed site, with distances to property lines, streets, and other buildings. Often, we can identify issues that need to be addressed on your plans that will allow you to make updates and get the board approvals that you need.

Contact the Village Office at 517-522-4550 to schedule an appointment.


Please drop off fee to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall by cash, check, or credit card.
Monday through Thursday from 9am - 4pm
(Closed for lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm)

Master Fee Schedule

Additional Information

Information for Permits and Inspections

Questions regarding permits for construction and remodeling can be directed to Jennifer Keener, Clerk at (517) 522-4550 ext.1. Applications for permits and zoning issues are available under the Forms tab.