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  • 119 North Lake St
  • P.O.Box 737
  • Grass Lake, MI 49240

The Village of Grass Lake establishes compliance with Public Act 442 of 1976, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and its amendments reflected in Public Act 563 of 2014, installing this outlet for accessing the publications and forms required to meet the Village’s obligations under both the original act and its amendments. Subsequently, the below listed links provide for online access to a Public Summary of FOIA Procedures and Guidelines as well as documented FOIA Procedures and Guidelines as required by the law.

Thus, you can rely on the “Summary” for general information required by the law, or you can download and print the full “Procedure & Guidelines” adopted by the Village for compliance. Following that you can find additional links for the various forms that are used to demonstrate compliance and to initiate your request for information under the act and the steps of compliance that must be followed. Please feel free to contact the Village Clerk’s office at the Village Hall, 119 N. Lake Street, at 517-522-4550, or mail your request to, Village Clerk, FOIA Request, Village of Grass Lake, P.O. Box 737, Grass Lake, Michigan 49240.

Public Summary of FOIA Procedures & Guidelines (7-pages)

FOIA Request for Public Records Form (2-pages)

Appeal of a Denial Form (2-pages)

Appeal of Excess Fees Form (2-pages)

Notice to Extend Response Time Form (2-pages)

Notice of Denial Form (2-pages)

Detailed Cost Itemization Form (2-pages)

Two other forms related to fees and denials are also used by the Village but are not provided for download since they are for responding to requests and forms required to be filed by Village personnel rather than public individuals.

Notice to Extend Response Time

Notice of Denial of FOIA Request Form